Non-government partners

Kyrgyz Adult Education Association
KAEA is a nonprofit organization whose activities are aimed at creating conditions and opportunities for increasing cultural and educational level of the adult population of the Kyrgyz Republic. KAEA is a membership organization and unites 12 Adult Teaching Centers, covering all regions of Kyrgyzstan. Currently, partnership continues within the framework of the Promotion of AE support on National and Local levels and diversification of educational offers project.
Youth of Osh
The Youth of Osh Public Organisation was established in 2008 to help develop young people as active citizens in Kyrgyzstan, by strengthening their capacities and promoting their interests in the community. Currently, partnership continues within the framework of the Youth Creative Hub project. The main obejtc is development of diversified sources of financing for the organization. Institutional development of the Youth Creative Hub.
Public Association “Information Resource Centers” (PA IRC)
Public Association “Information Resource Centers” (PA IRC) works to optimize the library space for teaching adults and youth, expanding access to non-formal adult education on the basis of public libraries in Kyrgyzstan.Currently, partnership continues within the framework of the Expanding access to non-formal adult education in libraries of Kyrgyzstan project.
AFEW Kyrgyzstan
AFEW Kyrgyzstan helps improve the quality of life of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic through a multisectoral approach, create conditions for maintaining health, reduce the risks of the spread of socially significant infections in society and contribute to the development of the public health system in the Kyrgyz Republic. Currently, partnership continues within the framework of the Positive re-integration of imprisoned and released persons through Adult Education project.
Institute for Youth Development
Public Foundation “Institute for youth development” (IYD) is leading youth organization on youth work and promotion in youth policy development in Kyrgyz Republic. IYD unites active and committed young people. Their desire and ideas to develop Kyrgyzstan will help Foundation to be a leader for existing and creating opportunities for youth or our country. Currently, partnership continues within the framework of the Laboratory of Innovative Education project.
Osh State University
Osh State University is a recognized leader in higher education in southern Kyrgyzstan. The history of Osh State University begins in 1939. In terms of the number of students, Osh State University is the largest educational institution in the country, providing higher education to more than 30,000 students. Osh State University employs 1,500 teachers: 60 doctors of sciences and professors, 381 candidates of sciences and associate professors. The university has a powerful educational, methodological and material and technical base, a solid scientific and pedagogical potential. Currently, partnership continues within the framework of the Institutionalization of Curriculum GlobALE in Formal sector project