The European Training Foundation (ETF) has conducted two case studies on the learning and training approaches developed by DVV International Middle East, namely “Tafakur” in Jordan and…
DVV International – Country Office for Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with its partners, the Center for Education and Research NAHLA and the Association Sara Srebrenica, within the…
Герой України, ветеран війни та агропідприємець Дмитро Куценко — про мотивацію займатися бізнесом, страхи і перепони на шляху ветеранів-бізнесменів та віру у власні сили.
A national hackathon called "Digital Youth Participation" took place in the Kyrgyz Republic from December 19th to 20th, 2024. Teams from all regions of the country participated, representing the…
DVV International and the Department for Non-Formal Education (DNFE) of the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) celebrated their long-standing cooperation in a Handing-Over and Signing…
The economic and social rights of women are fundamental to achieving their equality, improving their quality of life, and enabling them to actively contribute to the development of their…
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