DVV International Country Office in Tajikistan is seeking competent expert(s)\trainer(s) on Curriculum InterculturALE

DVV International Country Office in Tajikistan primarily focuces on enhancing educational opportunities for socially disadvantaged groups, including the unemployed, prisoners, women, youth, and people with disabilities. Collaborating with various adult education providers in Dushanbe and different regions of the country, the office offers labor market-oriented training courses.

As part of the objectives for 2024-2026, the DVV International Country Office in Tajikistan aims to contribute to improving the quality of education services provided by selected partners (Adult Training Centres (ATCs), Adult Education Association in Tajikistan (AEAT), partner NGOs) following Community Learning Centre (CLC) concept and acting as multipliers.

As a result is expecting that 40 Adult Learning and Education (ALE) multipliers are using newly acquired competencies to conduct trainings for ALE providers based on Curriculum InterculturALE, Curriculum ManagerALE and Curriculum GlobALE across the country and deliver diversified educational services that incorporated VHS expertise into their activities.

Therefore, DVV International Country Office in Tajikistan is seeking competent expert(s)\trainer(s) on Curriculum InterculturALE

The selected expert(s) are expected to develop a 3-4 days Training of Trainers (ToT) program on Curriculum interculturALE for ALE multipliers in Tajikistan. The main topics to be covered include:

  • Introduction to the Curriculum interculturALE;
  • Support in the development of a Curriculum interculturALE program implementation plan in Tajikistan, considering indicators and set goals;
  • Provide participants with the methodology of Curriculum interculturALE;
  • Collaborate on the adaptation of the Curriculum interculturALE program with local trainers
  • Conduct introductory brief sessions on the Curriculum interculturALE Modules

Please find more details in the Terms of Reference

Interested candidates can apply to DVV International in Tajikistan, by sending their CV and letter of interest, including justification for the requested honorarium, to dadabaeva@dvv-international.tj. The deadline for applications is June 25th, 2024.

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