Youth Empowerment for Digital Governance (Youth Go)

Project Objective: To protect the civil and political rights of youth in Kyrgyzstan, increase youth participation in local self-governance, empowerment, and engagement through digital tools and media.

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ALE promotion on national and local levels

Strengthening and expanding ALE activities in the Kyrgyz Republic. Expansion of the KAEA network and interaction in the ALE promotion at the national and local levels, assistance in the implementation of the 2023-2026 action plan within the framework of the program for the development of ALE in the Kyrgyz Republic.

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"Third Age University" project

Overall objective of the project: Improving the quality of living for pensioners and people in pre-pension age.

Objective of micro level: Empowering women of retirement and pre-retirement age to engage in self-employment and generate additional income through activities related to decorative and applied crafts. 

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