Among the partners of DVV International in Kyrgyzstan, both state and non-state actors are included. State partners of DVV International are the State Penitentiary Service of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Agency for Primary and Vocational Education and the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel named after M.R. Rakhimova under the Kyrgyzs State University named after I. Arabaeva.
The non-governmental partners include the Kyrgyz Adult Education Association (KAEA) and its member organisations – Adult Teaching Centres (ATCs) in 7 regions of Kyrgyzstan, and the non-governmental organisations “Institute for Youth Development”, “Youth of Osh”, Public Foundation “AIDS Foundation East-West in the Kyrgyz Republic” AFEW Kyrgyzstan and Adult Education Association of Tajikistan.
Our main donor partners in Kyrgyzstan are the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, BMZ) and the Delegation of the European Union.
More information about cooperation with partner organizations you can find in the description of each project (section "Projects")