Since 2002, DVV International has supported adult education learning and education (ALE) in Kyrgyzstan; a country office was opened in Bishkek in 2012. Since the year 2018 the Country office performs the function of the regional office for Central Asia as well.
Kyrgyzstan is one of a group of countries with “medium-level human development”. Through courses for non-formal vocational and civic education, DVV International supports socially disadvantaged groups in Kyrgyzstan, including the unemployed, prisoners, socially disadvantaged young people and women. The country office also further strengthens the capacity of adult education providers, thus contributing to improving the quality of adult education in the country and expanding of ALE offers. Through policy advice, the conducting of research studies, and the transfer of German and European practices in the field of adult education and lifelong learning, it also contributes to the sustainable improvement of the framework of the education sector in Kyrgyzstan.
Improvement, diversification and expansion of educational offers for socially disadvantaged groups: For socially disadvantaged groups such as the unemployed, women and young people from rural areas, labour market oriented trainings, life skills and civic education programmes are offered in cooperation with local partners in different provinces of Kyrgyzstan. Training courses for imprisoned and released persons in vocational education, preparation for release and integration in the post penitentiary period are offered and implemented by the local partner Public Foundation "AIDS Foundation East-West in the Kyrgyz Republic" (AFEW).
Strengthening the capacity of partner organizations – adult education providers in Kyrgyzstan: In order to further expand the training offers and improve their quality, DVV International works in all the regions of the country with two networks of ALE providers: Adult Training Centers – members of the Kyrgyz Adult Education Association, and Adult Training Centers in libraries – members of the Information Resource Center. Two youth organizations receive support in capacity-building as non-formal education providers for youth, the NGO Youth of Osh in establishing the CLDC model in the South of the country, and the NGO Institute for Youth Development in developing online training offers in the established Laboratory of Innovative Education in the North. Capacity building of partner organizations includes their further organizational assessment, strategic planning, training of educational and administrative personnel, elaboration and updating of curricula, including online education offers, preparing of materials, and infrastructure strengthening.
Strengthening of the Kyrgyz Adult Education Association (KAEA): DVV International contributes to strengthening KAEA and supports its role as stakeholder representative for adult education in the country, promoter of ALE framework development and the UN’s CONFINTEA process. Moreover, DVV International supports cooperation of the association with other adult education networks from the Central Asian region, but also with trans-national networks such as the Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE).
Promoting the national and international exchange of issues related to adult education: Through surveys and studies, consultation, study tours, and the organisation of roundtables and conferences in collaboration with national and international actors, DVV International contributes to the improvement of conditions in the education sector. In order to promote international exchanges, DVV International supports the participation of Kyrgyz adult educators as well as decision-makers in regional and international events.
Learn more on DVV International projects in Kyrgyzstan
Among the partners of DVV International in Kyrgyzstan, both state and non-state actors are included. State partners of DVV International are the State Prison System Administration and the Agency for Vocational Training at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The non-governmental partners include the Kyrgyz Adult Education Association (KAEA) and its member organisations – adult education centres, and the non-governmental organisations “Institute of Youth development”, “Youth of Osh”, Public Foundation "AIDS Foundation East-West in the Kyrgyz Republic" (AFEW), Information Resource Center and it’s member organizations – public libraries, as well as the Institute of upgrading qualification and re-training of teachers named after Rehimova M. of the Kyrgyz State University named after Arabayev (IUQ-KSU).
Learn more on the partners of DVV International in Kyrgyzstan