Youth Empowerment for Digital Governance (Youth Go)

Project Objective: To protect the civil and political rights of youth in Kyrgyzstan, increase youth participation in local self-governance, empowerment, and engagement through digital tools and media.

Objectives of the action: 

Overall objective: Protecting the civil and political rights of youth in Kyrgyzstan, increasing youth participation in local governance, empowerment, and engagement through digital tools and media. Specific objectives:

Evidence-based documents on gaps and needs in enhancing youth participation in democratic governance will be developed, disseminated and discussed with partners, stakeholders and civil society at large for each target and stakeholder group.

Local government capacity to enhance youth participation and role in democratic governance will be strengthened and e-governance platforms will be established and piloted.

The role and participation of rural youth in democratic governance will be strengthened.

Target group(s): 

At least 580 employees of 9 district and 27 rural and urban administrations, village councils and village activists (youth committees, women's councils).

At least 430 members of 29 local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and groups of activists (GAs).

Around 16700 young people in 29 project locations (2 small towns and 27 villages), including high school and college students. The population of 29 project areas in all 7 regions of the country, amounting to about 275,000 people, will benefit from the transparency and democratization of local governance.

Main activities:

Component 0. Project management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation.

Component 1: Building the evidence base/preparation

1.1 A national baseline study to assess the quality, effectiveness and access to existing digital platforms for public service delivery and participation; 1.2. Participatory assessment of needs and constraints for participation in democratic governance, taking into account digital and other disadvantages currently faced by youth; 1.3. Roundtables and online presentations of the results of the baseline study and PRA; 1.4. Development of digital and media strategies for partner CSOs and stakeholders based on the results of the PRA and the national baseline study, including strategies for gender empowerment and participation in democratic governance.

Component 2. Strengthening the democratic governance capacity of local authorities

2.1 Regular CSO-GA-MA-Kenesh consultative and cooperation seminars; 2.2. Annual regional cooperation seminars; 2.3. Effective Governance Program for young staff of local administrations and deputies of local councils from 29 pilot territories; 2.4. Study tour of project stakeholders to Europe; 2.5. Digital Academies for deputies and staff of local councils and local administrations from pilot localities; 2.6. Development and piloting of a unified model of web service/application " Youth Appeals Map" at local level to create communication between local authorities and youth; 2.7. Implementation and digitization of Local Transparency Passports

Component 3. Youth empowerment and participation

3.1 Selection of official youth CSOs and GAs on a competitive basis; 3.2. Empowering Active Citizenship Program for 29 CSOs and GAs; 3.3. Digital and Media Small Grants for CSOs and GAs to enhance the role of youth in promoting democratic governance (through mentoring support); 3.4. A series of Digital Citizenship hackathons on digital solutions to increase youth participation; 3.5. A series of quizzes on sources and uses of open data; 3.6. " Caravans of Transparency" on sources and use of open data; 3.7. Development of a methodological guide for local authorities and CSOs on enhancing youth participation in democratic governance and presentation; 3.8. Preparation of information materials (physical and electronic formats) on the use of open data and presentations/instructions for youth; 3.9. Project Closing Forum.

Key project partners: Local administrations and deputies of keneshes (councils) of 29 project settlements. Local youth councils and women's committees. IT Providers . Local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Groups of Activists (GAs). District Education Departments and educational institutions.

Results: Evidence-based documents on gaps and needs in enhancing youth participation in democratic governance developed, disseminated and discussed with partners, stakeholders and civil society at large for each target and stakeholder group; Local government capacity to enhance youth participation and role in democratic governance strengthened, e-governance platforms established and piloted; The role and participation of rural youth in democratic governance is strengthened.

Donor of the project: Delegation of the European Union to the Kyrgyz Republic (95%), BMZ Contribution: 5%.

Name of the lead applicant: Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International). Public Foundation "Institute for Youth Development" ("IYD"), Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Duration: 2024-2026 у.


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