All information on our Internet site is carefully checked. We make every effort continually to update and expand this information. However, we provide no guarantee that it is complete and accurate and reflects latest developments.
We are not responsible for the content of the pages of other web sites to which we provide links. The content is in each case the responsibility of the body concerned and does not reflect the opinions of DVV.
Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V.
Königswinterer Straße 552b
53227 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0)228-97569-0
Amtsgericht Bonn
Vereinsregisternummer 3120
Gerichtsstand Bonn
UST-ID-Nr.: DE 122276373
Authorized to represent: Martin Rabanus MdB, DVV Chairman
DVV International Regional office for Central Asia
Frunze str. 402, 720033 Bishkek,
Kyrgyz Republic
Tel.: +996 312 323 901
Tel.: +996 558 858 758
Dr. Thekla Kelbert (Regional Director of DVV International office for Central Asia)
Nurgazy Osmonkanov (Public Relations Specialist, DVV International office Kyrgyzstan)
Faktor E Web Agency, Bonn
Buschstraße 81
53113 Bonn