The Centers of Culture and Leisure of the Population under the Ministry of Culture in Uzbekistan.Considering the importance of education / adult education and non-formal education as a tool for encouraging citizen participation in cultural, social, economic and sustainable development, as well as to increase welfare, the DVV International in Uzbekistan carries out project activities aimed on strengthening the potential of formal and non-formal education and training of youth and adults. Cultural centers established on the basis of former houses of culture and club institutions, being in the form of ownership by state organization, mainly operate in the informal sector, offering a variety of cultural and educational services (circles, art and discussion clubs, meetings with cultural figures and others). The main goal of implementing reforms in Uzbekistan in this sphere is to create the necessary conditions to satisfy the growing cultural and educational needs of the population, especially the young generation, as well as to assist them in organizing their productive and meaningful leisure time. Currently the centers mainly working in the field of culture and art - they offer to the local population (mainly schoolchildren, students) various clubs of music, singing and dancing (including participation in creative ensembles), as well as massive cultural and entertaining events for the wide layers of population (concerts, theatrical performances, etc.). The overall objective of the project: To contribute to the improvement of the effectiveness of the informal education and adult education system in the regions of Uzbekistan due to innovative approaches. Project goal: Expanding the range of cultural and educational services of the Centers of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan by strengthening institutional potential and organizing courses demanded by various categories of the population. Target groups of the project: women and youth from socially vulnerable groups of the population in selected regions; population of selected regions, regardless of age, gender and social status; staff of cultural centers operating in selected regions. Courses on improving qualifications for employees, the administration of the Center itself and nearby Centers, seminars, round tables allow introducing innovative approaches to managing the activities of cultural and leisure institutions of the region. More info |
The Oila/Family Center of Academic and Applied Research affiliated with the Cabinet of Ministers of UzbekistanCreated by Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (N UP-5325 “On measures to radically improve activities in the field of supporting women and strengthening the institution of the family” dated February 2, 2018). Director: Diloram Gafurjanovna Tashmukhamedova, PhD, (Speaker of the 1st and 2nd convocation of the Legislative Chamber of the Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan), Senate member Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Status: Center established under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The director of the Center for status is equated with the minister, and deputy directors - with deputy ministers. Coordinating role: The Center coordinates the activities of state organizations and civil society institutions for the implementation of state policy in the field of the family. Powers: State and other organizations are obliged to provide the Center at its request with all the necessary materials (documents, statistics, conclusions, analytical and other information materials) related to the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Center. Main objectives: Conducting fundamental, applied and innovative research on family issues, reproductive health and demographic development, developing on their basis and practical implementation of proposals to strengthen the institution of the family, as well as creating an effective system for providing effective methodological, advisory and practical assistance to families; Organization of special training courses for advanced training and retraining of specialists in working with families; Collaboration with international organizations, foreign research institutions in the field of family and marriage. More info |
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism DevelopmentThe Republic of Uzbekistan became a member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in 1993. Since then, Uzbekistan, which is one of the centers of world tourism, has become the venue for major tourism forums: in Samarkand (1994), Khiva (1999) and Bukhara (2002). Cooperation with UNWTO has been strengthened by the adoption of a number of declarations. So, in 1994, 19 countries adopted the Samarkand Declaration on the development of tourism on the Great Silk Road, in 1999 the Khiva Declaration on Tourism and the Preservation of Cultural Heritage was adopted, in 2002 the Bukhara Declaration on Tourism along the Silk Road. The main directions of the project are:
In 1995, on the initiative of Uzbekistan and with the support of the UNWTO, the annual International Tourism Fair was established in Tashkent, which became the main tourist event in the Central Asian region. For the period 1997-2001 Uzbekistan was elected as Vice-Chair of the UNWTO Commission for Europe and a member of the Executive Council of the Organization. Recognizing the important contribution of Uzbekistan to the development of world tourism, on May 19, 2004, an Agreement was signed between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) on opening the Silk Road Office in the city of Samarkand, which was approved by the Cabinet Of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 21, 2004 No. 491. The Silk Road Office acts as a unitary enterprise under the State Committee for Tourism Development, located in Samarkand, with a branch in Tashkent. In accordance with the Agreement, the Office has the status of the Technical Bureau of the UNWTO project “Tourism Development on the Silk Road”. One of the main tasks of the Office is the development of tourism on this ancient route. More info |