Today we will talk about the second day of the festival. It began with a tour to the Samarkand "Ishga Markhamat" monocenter, and then the participants were divided into groups. The first group participated in the round table discussion "Regional cooperation in the implementation of the Marrakesh Framework for Action" (moderators - Tatyana Zaichenko, Head of DVV International Uzbekistan and Mavlyudakhon Shirinova, Director of the National Center for Socio-Economic Development "SABR"). Participants of the round table were representatives of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, the State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Quality of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Institute for Labor Market Research, directors of monocentres, Local Development Centers based on NGOs, private entrepreneurs, foreign guests from Germany, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. After discussions, the participants proposed the following formats for cooperation in the field of adult learning and education in Central Asia for the future:
• exchange of experience in the field of innovative directions in the development of adult learning and education;
• inviting foreign experts for joint training (offline and online), which will improve training programs in line with best practices;
• joint coverage of successful events of the CA countries in the field of ALE (organization of teleconferences, media coverage);
• Creation of national information platforms to promote ALE.
• promoting the development of online learning and expanding public access to digital educational resources;
• active cooperation with entrepreneurs to motivate them to invest in the development of ALE with a focus on vulnerable groups.
The second group of participants took part in master classes in professional areas: IT courses, sewing, hairdressing, confectionery, training for trainers, etc., and discussed the secrets of professional skills, shared their experience in effective training and creation of IT platforms for the sale of their products. After the completion of all events, both groups took part in an excursion around the International Tourist Center "The Great Silk Road", during which they noted for themselves new ideas and approaches for the development of tourism in their regions.