Training on Penitentiary Psychology for the Tajik Prison Staff

On May 29 - 31 May, 2014 a three-day training workshop on specifics of penitentiary psychology for penal institutions staff was held in "Poytakht" Hotel in Dushanbe.

The training participants were represented by the heads of prison departments and units working directly with the prisoners. The invited trainers were Mr. Asanov Tynchtykbek, Head of the Institute of Personality and Mental Health (IPMH), Kyrgyzstan, Ms. Parpieva Aida, Executive Director, IPMH, Kyrgyzstan, and Mr. Davlatov Mahmadullo, Senior Lecturer, Chair of Psychology, Tajik State National University.

The main training objective was to enhance the knowledge and skills of prison staff in modern psychological approaches in working with prisoners, effective communication and tips on avoiding personal burn-out and stresses. Upon completion of the training, the participants are expected to apply their knowledge and skills in their work places.

The training was conducted within the framework of the European Union funded Project «SECRET: Socio-Economic and Cultural Rights of Prisoners and Ex-prisoners in Tajikistan" being implemented by the DVV International in Tajikistan.

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