Seminar-discussion with representatives of penal institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan on preparing convicts for release

On May 22, 2024, the Main Department of Execution of Criminal Punishments of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan held a seminar-discussion with representatives of penal institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan on preparing convicts for release.

Doctor of Law, Professor Takdirshoh Sharipov, presented the results of the analysis of legislative and normative-legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan that regulate the activities of penal institutions in the field of preparing convicts for release. At the event, participants discussed existing approaches to preparing convicts for release and emphasized that this preparation should begin from the first day of the convict's stay in the penal institution.

It was noted that correcting convicts, preventing repeated crimes, and assisting them in social adaptation are among the most important tasks of the system of execution of criminal punishments in the Republic of Tajikistan. The effectiveness of this area depends primarily on the existence of sound legislation, the correct organization of correctional institutions' activities, and the continuous improvement of the management mechanisms of the criminal punishment execution bodies.

The participants became acquainted with international experience and standards in the sphere of preparing convicts for release, results of the analysis of criminal law enforcement in the Republic of Tajikistan, and normative legal acts and by-laws regulating the activity of criminal punishment institutions. They also reviewed the legal and social guarantees of the country's legislation for persons released from prison.

During the discussion, recommendations were made for amendments and additions to Tajikistan's legislation on the enforcement of criminal penalties in the area of preparing convicts for release, including amendments to the Code of Enforcement of Criminal Penalties, the law on legal aid, and internal documents of correctional institutions.

This activity is implemented within the framework of the project “Protecting the social, economic and cultural rights of prisoners and ex-prisoners in Tajikistan” with the financial support of the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It is implemented by the Representative Office of DVV International in Tajikistan in partnership with the NGOs “Jahon” and “Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law.”

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