Regional Director for Central Asia Galina Veramejchyk

Galina Veramejchyk has been working in non-formal and adult education for nearly 20 years, possesses rich experience of training and project management activity, wrote over 40 articles about adult education in Belarus and Europe.

Since 1996 she was involved in the development of several non-governmental organisations and was active on the international level, being elected as member of the Board of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) for the period 2015-2021.

She studied Geodesy at Saint Petersburg Mining University (Russia), General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy at National Institute of Higher Education (Minsk, Belarus) and later obtained her Master’s degree in Adult Education at Kaiserslautern Technical University (Germany).

She also has a long history of cooperation with DVV International, which ranges from taking part in various projects as an expert to 12 years of experience managing the country office in the Republic of Belarus.

"I see the opportunity to join the DVV International Regional Office in Bishkek as a logical extension of my career and an opportunity to expand my professional horizons. I am excited about the forthcoming cooperation with colleagues from Kyrgyzstan and other Central Asian countries and hope that my knowledge and experience will be useful for the improvement of adult education systems in the region.

On the other hand, I see my coming to Central Asia as a return to my roots. As I was born in northern Kazakhstan, the culture and traditions of the nomadic peoples of Central Asia have always been an integral part of family traditions. And I hope that our traditional family celebrations with beshparmak and green tea with milk will be enriched with new elements." 

Galina Veramejchyk

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