"Contribution the Centers of culture to the development of potential of population in the Republic of Uzbekistan"

In order to promote the development of potential of the Culture and Leisure Centers of the Population, the DVV International in Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a Memorandum about Cooperation at the end of 2015.

Joint activities are aimed at enhancing the potential of the Cultural and Leisure Centers of the population through acquaintance with modern approaches on management, with activities aimed at increasing the access of the city population, district and region to various cultural and educational services. Important tasks here are the issues of increasing the number and improving the quality of events, courses, clubs, as well as increasing the number of visitors from different target groups (women, disabled, elderly, unemployed youth, etc.).

In 2016, the Center for Culture and Leisure of the Namangan Region was identified as the first location for testing project ideas (by agreement with the Ministry of Culture and Sports). At the beginning of 2017, the parties reached an agreement about inclusion to implementation of the project of the Culture and Leisure Centers of the population of Karshi district of Kashkadarya region as the second pilot location.

The overall objective of the project: To contribute to the improvement of the effectiveness of the informal education and adult education system in the regions of Uzbekistan through innovative approaches.

Project Objective: Expanding the range of cultural and educational services of the Culture and Leisure Center of the Namangan Region through the strengthening of institutional capacity and the organization of courses demanded by various categories of the population.

Target groups of the project: women and youth from socially vulnerable groups of the population in selected regions; population of selected regions, regardless of age, gender and social status; employees of the of the culture and leisure centers of the population operating in selected areas.

It is expected that the advanced training courses provided for the staff, the administration of the Center itself and the nearby Centers, seminars, round tables will allow to introduce the innovative approaches of managing the activities of cultural and leisure institutions of the region.

Strengthening the material base of the Center and primary financial support for professional courses (modeling, cutting and tailoring; decorative arts; computer literacy basics; photo and video editing, etc.) and educational orientation (personal development, etc.) for the population, will increase access different target groups for cultural and educational services.

The accumulated positive experience of the project will be summarized and systematized, further multiplied into other Centers of the Republic.

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