We must help them not to come back…

Участники семинара, 18.10.2018
Участники семинара, 18.10.2018

On October 18, 2018, a workshop was held at the Correctional Institution 3/6, located in Yavan district of the Republic of Tajikistan, devoted to preparing convicts for release, where deputy heads of correctional institutions, heads of production departments of correctional institutions, representatives of the state adult institution “Center for adult education in Tajikistan" under the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Representative Office of DVV International in Tajikistan and NGO "Jahon" were invited. At the workshop, it was noted that the situation of a former convict is difficult. During the period of serving the sentence, he/she is subject to a certain regime, his/her life is deprived of an independent approach to solving problems, strict rules instill the habit of relying on the decision of the staff of the correctional institution. After discharge, he/she is faced with the impossibility to “find oneself”, and the inability to overcome difficulties on her own. Discussing these problems, the workshop participants note that “we must help them not to go back to the correctional institution ... Therefore, professional education, training in business planning, courses on personal growth of convicts are indeed effective methods of preparing convicts for re-socialization after release."

The workshop provided an opportunity to discuss the process of attracting convicts to becoming trainersof the professional courses themselves. This is a good resource that can be used by state institution “Adult Training Centre of Tajikistan”. Mr. A. Rakhimov, Director of the State Institution “ATC” assured those present to provide full support in conducting additional courses and validating (certifying) the professional skills of convicts acquired during their work activities.

At the end of the workshop, it was decided to start training trainers from among the convicts, combining the efforts of all parties - government agencies, international and local public organizations.

This activity is carried out within the framework of the project “Human Rights Protection for Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners”, funded by the European Union and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The project is implemented by the Representative Office of the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) in the Republic of Tajikistan in partnership with the NGOs “Bureau for Human Rights and Respect for the Rule of Law and “Jahon”.

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