The DVV branch in Uzbekistan held the final "Tashkent Evenings" event for 2019 on December 20. Partner organizations, stakehorlders, representatives of government and civil society across…
"Prevention of human trafficking among youth" was the name of project of the Namangan branch of the Republican Social and Information Center "Istiqbolli Avlod". Center staff consider that,…
The completed project "Mobile Social Service" was aimed at providing legal, psychological and social assistance to vulnerable rural women in Ferghana region who are faced with various problems:…
In the Navbahor district of Navoi region, more than half of the population (56%) is young people. Some makhallas of district are located quite far from the district center, which makes it…
The project “World through the Eyes of Youth” was carried out by the Bukhara branch of “Istiqbolli Avlod” and was aimed at active youth and youth leaders in order to increase their participation…
On November 14, the Institute of Tourism Development, together with the British Council, held a Round Table on the theme: “Education 4.0: a new look at the tourism education system” as part of…
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