Piloting of Curriculum managerALE in Kyrgyzstan

Curriculum managerALE is a modular competency-based curriculum for managers of institutions of adult learning and education (IALE).

Contracting Authority:

Donor of the project: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Financing (amount) for 2022 y.: 21 500 EUR


Ms. Jarkynay Usupova, DVV International in the Kyrgyz Republic, program manager

Bishkek city, str. 402, Frunze

Tel: +996 312 32 39 01
       +996 558 99 55 76

e-mail: usupova@dvv-international.kg

web-site: www.dvv-international-central-asia.org

Location(s) of the action:

Kyrgyz Republic


Activities meso- level


Curriculum managerALE is a modular competency-based curriculum for managers of institutions of adult learning and education (IALE). Between 2018 and 2020, DVV International implemented management training cycles for managers in non-formal education in Cambodia and Lao PDR. Based on these training cycles, a rough structure of six modules for the third curriculum - Curriculum for Managers of Institutions of Adult Learning and Education was developed in close dialogue with DVV International offices worldwide.

The content of this curriculum is carefully selected so that it can be implemented in different cultural and social contexts, even in geographical locations with minimum teaching facilities, in order to provide AEC managers with the necessary components of competencies for effective management, while maintaining a close connection with DVV International’s Curriculum globALE and Curriculum institutionALE. Some of the contents of the curriculum will complement topics dealt with in the other two curricula.

The modules are self-sufficient, and independent from each other and can be used selectively, in an order that suits the learners, except the first one, which provides the basics of lifelong learning, adult learning and education and managerial knowledge, to which the other modules are related or on which they are built upon. The Curriculum is structured according to the expected competency outcomes and encourages utilising the participatory approach in implementation.

Target group:

The curriculum was developed for managers of institutions of adult learning and education. These institutions are local education, training and learning places that are accessible for a broad section of the population, provide for local learning needs - whether literacy, academic knowledge, practical know-how or job-related skills - and meet constantly changing local, national and global framework conditions, using flexible techniques.

In June 2022, the implementation of the curriculum managerALE was launched for 2022-2023, where 20 participants, managers of Adult Education Centers (ATCs)- members of Kyrgyz Association for Adult Education (KAEA).


It consists of six modules focusing on foundational topics of good management to be taught in 350-400 class hours.

    • Module 1: Basic Knowledge on ALE and LLL
    • Module 2: Needs Assessment and Strategic Planning
    • Module 3: Internal Management and Leadership Skills
    • Module 4: Cooperation and Networking
    • Module 5: Financial Management          
    • Module 6: Monitoring and Evaluation.

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