State Institution “Training and Methodology and Learning Quality Monitoring Center»

was established in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated March 3, 2014 No. 146 “On the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment”. A list of organizations of the system of the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Republic of Tajikistan has been established.

The center carries out educational and methodological activities and monitors the quality of education in state educational institutions in the field of primary vocational education and training, adult training centers, national and modern centers and other educational centers of the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Republic of Tajikistan.


The main goal of the Center is to create a unified national educational and methodological system and monitor the quality of education in primary vocational education and training of adults and provide them with methodological assistance, improve the quality and efficiency of education, vocational training in accordance with the State Standard of Primary Vocational Education, introduction of scientific achievements and technology and modern teaching experience.



The State Institution "Adult Training Center of Tajikistan" (ATC)

was established by Decision of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 115 dated March 5, 2008, in the structure of the State Agency for Social Protection, Employment and Migration of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan.


The main tasks of ATC are:

  • development of draft norms and state standards for the adult education system in Tajikistan and assistance in ensuring the implementation and control over the observance of these standards after bringing them into line with the established procedure and their adoption;
  • methodological support and assistance in the development of the quality of the adult education system in Tajikistan;
  • organization of short-term vocational training courses, retraining, improvement, life skills training;
  • centralized management of the system of vocational training, advanced training, retraining of unemployed citizens;
  • creation of a system of certification/validation of skills acquired in the process of non-formal education;
  • promoting professional growth and small business in Tajikistan;
  • assistance in strengthening the educational, material and technical and personnel base of educational institutions of the State Employment Service;
  • expanding the network of adult education institutions in Tajikistan;
  • support of non-governmental adult education institutions in Tajikistan;
  • promotion of employment of graduates of short-term courses of the unemployed, training in crafts, retraining and improvement of professions;
  • attracting foreign and domestic donors for the development of the adult education system in Tajikistan;
  • study and dissemination of best practices in the field of adult education;
  • assistance in raising the level of public awareness of the need for vocational training and life skills.


To achieve the goal and ensure the fulfillment of its duties, the ATC carries out its activities in the following areas:

  • develops draft norms and standards in the field of adult education and, in accordance with the established procedure, with the help of the Founder, submits them for consideration to the relevant authorities;
  • promotes the introduction and monitoring of compliance with norms and standards in the field of adult education in Tajikistan;
  • organizes the study of the demand of the local and foreign labor market;
  • develops plans, programs and educational materials in the field of adult education in Tajikistan according to the demand of the labor market and society;
  • performs publishing work;
  • determines educational institutions for the implementation of specific plans and programs for education;
  • contributes to ensuring the quality of adult education in Tajikistan;
  • organizes short-term courses on vocational training, retraining, educational courses on life skills, including entrepreneurship, according to the demand of the labor market, the public and the population in need. On behalf of (order) of the executive bodies of state power in the field of labor and social issues, conducts refresher courses (in-service training) for employees of this industry;
  • creates and manages professional training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens;
  • establishes centers for examination and specialization for the official recognition of skills acquired in the process of non-formal education;
  • promotes the next professional growth and small business in Tajikistan;
  • takes measures to strengthen the material and technical base and personnel of adult training centers, also organizes the production of experimental and visual teaching aids;
  • promotes the creation of adult training centers and support for non-governmental institutions for adult education in Tajikistan;
  • takes measures to attract domestic and foreign funds, and specialists in order to develop the adult education system in Tajikistan;
  • organizes conferences, forums, seminars, round tables and other types of meetings in the field of adult education;
  • develops the study of best practices in the field of adult education and takes measures to implement them in the country;
  • creates, in accordance with the current legislation in the country and in other countries, its branches and representative offices;
  • takes measures to increase the level of knowledge of the population about the need for vocational training and life skills;


website: does not have own, but uses the website of the Agencies for Labor and Employment of Tajikistan:

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