Dushanbe, Panjakent and Rasht build their capacity in vocational training of people with disabilities

Within the project funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development NGO Adult Education Association of Tajikistan in cooperation with the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) in Tajikistan arranges a three-day training on "Inclusive Education and Vocational Skills for Youth with Disabilities" for the staff of Adult Training Center and its branches in Dushanbe, Panjakent and Rasht on September 19-21, 2018.

Within the project funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development NGO Adult Education Association of Tajikistan in cooperation with the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) in Tajikistan arranges a three-day training on "Inclusive Education and Vocational Skills for Youth with Disabilities" for the staff of Adult Training Center and its branches in Dushanbe, Panjakent and Rasht on September 19-21, 2018.

The training aimed at familiarizing participants with the principles, forms and methods of inclusive education, with the basics of behavioural therapy, a modern understanding of disability and ethical issues. The three-day training will also cover such topics as: adaptation of educational environment to trainees with physical, intellectual, visual and hearing impairments; parent support programs, teaching methodology through parents; educational consultations to youth with disabilities and their family members and development of individual educational plans.

Further, DVV International together with NGOs Adult Education Association of Tajikistan and the League of Women with Disabilities “Ishtirok” will develop short-term vocational training and intensive basic education curriculums that will be adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.

This activity is implemented within the framework of the project "INCLUSION: Promotion of Social Change and Inclusive Education in Tajikistan" funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. The project is implemented by the Country Office of DVV International in Tajikistan in partnership with local NGOs Adult Education Association of Tajikistan and the League of Disabled Women "Ishtirok".

For more information, please contact:Ms. Zarina Khalikova, Country Director, DVV International in Tajikistan, khalikova@dvv-international.tjMs. Bakaeva Dilbar, Executive Director for Adult Education Association of Tajikistan, dbakaeva@eandex.ru, aeatboard@yandex.ru

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