Peaceful Villages Evolvement (PVE)

Peace-building Partnership Annual Action Programme 2012/ Support to in-country actors to prevent and respond to crisis in fragile and conflict-affected situations - Kyrgyz Republic

Contracting Authority:

European Commissio/ Instrument for Stability

Peace-building Partnership Annual Action Programme 2012/ Support to in-country actors to prevent and respond to crisis in fragile and conflict-affected situations - Kyrgyz Republic

Budget line(s): 19 06 01 01

Reference: EuropeAid /134-453/L/ACT/KG

Project donor: Budget of the European Union in the Kyrgyz Republic (80%), BMZ contribution: 20%

Total project budget: 500.000, - Euro

Contracting authority: European Commission

Support to civil society actors in promotion of Dialogue and Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE) in Central Asia

Budget line(s): BGUE-B2018-19.020200.00-C1-FPI and


Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP)



Total: 827108 Euro

Name of the lead applicant

Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association / (DVV International – IIZ/DVV)


Public Association “Youth of Osh”, Osh, Kyrgyzstan


Adult Education Association of Tajikistan


Nadezhda Romanenko, DVV International in the Kyrgyz Republic, National Team Leader, Project Coordinator


Tel: +996 312 323 901, 0558 858758

-Akmaral Satinbaeva - Project Coordinator / Osh.


-Bakaeva Dilbar - project coordinator / Dushanbe.


Location(s) of the action:

Country: Kyrgyzstan, Region: Batken, District: Batken, Villages: Kara-Bak, Kok-Tash, Uch-Dobo

Country: Tajikistan, Region: Isfara, District: Isfara, Villages: Lakkon, Samanion, Hodzha Alio.

Objectives of the action

Overall objective (impact): To contribute to the mitigation of major threats to sustained peace in Central Asia through the enhancement of peaceful cross-border relations between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Specific objective (Outcome): To strengthen the resilience of ‘chess’ villages’ residents to hostile rhetoric and (nationalistic, religious) radicalization potentially leading to violent conflict and extremism in two conflict-prone border countries (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan). Intermediate outcomes (OC): 1) Operational and institutional capacity of Kyrgyz and Tajik CSOs strengthened, and coordination (networking) among them enhanced; 2) Viable and effectively operating community-based structures (ATC/CLDC) as spaces for community security dialogue, social development and community mobilization established; 3) Women, youth, and traditional leaders empowered in fostering cross-border confidence-building and in addressing conflict; 4) Cross-border cooperation improved through supporting mutual economic interests of Kyrgyz and Tajik communities and joint business development..

Target group(s)

Direct TG: At least 2300 ‘chess’ villages’ residents: 1200 NEET youth and senior schoolchildren; 140 respected elderly, 60 women-leaders, 140 local government officials, law enforcement officers, religious leaders; 160 entrepreneurs, 600 parents and school teachers.

Indirect TG: 2400 residents of Batken and Isfara districts who will be reached by the direct target beneficiaries. Two NGOs will facilitate to strengthen their capacity to consolidate community owned potential for national and regional network development and violent conflict prevention.

Final beneficiaries

A total of about 50 000 border residents of 6 villages in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan will benefit from a decrease of cross-border tension and violent conflicts.

Main activities

Component 0: Project Management; Component 1: Capacity building of local CSOs and network development; Component 2: Establishment of community-based structures for social and economic development; Component 3 Cross-border confidence-building measures; Component 4: Business development for enhancement of cross-border peaceful cooperation.

Description of project activities:

The project intervention will be built on strengthening the operational and institutional capacity of Kyrgyz and Tajik CSOs and on enhancing coordination (networking) among them in reducing factors causing radicalization potentially leading to violent conflict and extremism (OC 1). Through the creation of viable and effectively operating community-based structures (ATC/CLDC), spaces for community security dialogue, social development and community mobilization will be established (OC 2) which can also serve as a platform for cooperation between state and non-state actors. Offers of global citizenship education, education for the prevention of violent extremism and community security dialogue, women, youth, and traditional leaders will be empowered in fostering cross-border confidence-building and in addressing conflict (OC 3). A business development component in the cross-border region will improve cooperation and support mutual economic interests of Kyrgyz and Tajik communities, leading to joint business development (OC 4).

Conflict sensitivity and the do no harm approach will remain the main principle during the project implementation.  Special attention will be paid to the involvement of women and youth through GCED and Academy of Peace programs, not less than 50% of participants of the project activities will be females. Local administrations will be involved in identification of the direct participants of the project activities. Modules related to human rights will be part of all the project training programs.


The main pushing factors of violent conflicts and extremism are related to the following principal reasons and conditions:

1) Economic: unemployment, poverty, low standards of living, lack of income generation sources, poor community structural capacity for income generation and business development, 

2) Social: a) individual level (low educational level, disorientation, social exclusion, and a lack of cognitive, social-emotional and behavioural skills), b) community/structural level: (limited availability of education, culture, sports development, low level of conflict mediation and reduction of violence within communities and environments, lack of spaces community dialogue, etc.). The project action is based on a two-pronged approach, addressing economic and social factors with structural development and CSO capacity building as supporting measures.

Project partners

  • Youth of Osh in Kyrgyzstan
  • Adult Education Association of Tajikistan
  • District administrations of Batken and Isfara
  • JIA Bisiness Association
  • State Border Service of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan


1.1. Increased knowledge and hands-on skills in conflict analysis and conflict sensitivity of both Kyrgyz and Tajik civil society organizations’ and project consortium staff; 1.2 Conflict and peace analysis displaying actors, root causes, triggers of conflicts and peace factors; 1.3. Newly developed and improved 5 training modules in GCED/PVE approaches and tools; 1.4. ‘Chess’ village networks based on trustful working relationships and shared values/identities (e.g. youth networks, women’s networks, business networks) operate in a sustained mode

2.1. Newly developed CLDC and upgraded ATC responsive to local needs in improving conflict sensitivity and resilience to extremist and violent ideologies; 2.2. Increased knowledge and skills of CLDC/ATC trainers in methodology and tools of GCED/PVE programs and mediation; 2.3. Residents of the project locations are informed about available ATC/CLDC services;

3.1. Upgraded cognitive, social-emotional and behavioral competencies among targeted youth; 3.2. Targeted women-leaders from border villages empowered to play an active role in their communities in PVE, peacebuilding and conflict prevention, cross-border security dialogue, and social cohesion; 3.3. Media products in which men promote women’s participation in cross-border initiatives; 3.4. Strengthened resilience to radicalization and VE among residents of border communities through community security dialogue (e.g. intergenerational dialogue meetings, cross-border festivals, PVE mobile sessions); 3.5. Increased capacities of traditional leaders (including elderly, women and youth) in target communities in conflict prevention and resolution.

4.1. Enhanced skills of young entrepreneurs in the target communities in business plan development, financial literacy, marketing, negotiations, and cooperation; 4.2.  Established cross-border business initiatives of entrepreneurs – youth and women; 4.3. Business obstacles revealed and solutions to overcome them identified with the participation of government and private sector; 4.4. Best practices of peaceful ‘chess’ villages/cross-border business cooperation/networking promoted through forums and exchange visits to cross border business areas (e.g. Leilek, Jany-Jer village cluster (KR) / Bobojon Gafurov, Histevars village cluster (RT).

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